Although not 100% complete, Joe and I have made significant progress on the apartment set-up. Most boxes have been collapsed, now it's just a matter of finding room for everything. A tad crowded, but I am thrilled with the apartment and it's amenities. The only complaint I have is that we were given the wrong address. Twice. Yes, not once, but twice. Our mail is floating somewhere in an abyss and I hope it catches up with us soon.
I have to give a shout-out to my Dad for accompanying us on this journey across the country. Poor guy put up with my yapping, Hobbs puking and crawling all over him for 3 days straight in the car. We found it worked well if he drove in the morning and I drove in afternoon/evening because without my morning Starbucks ritual I kept nodding off. When we finally arrived, Dad quickly attacked the truck, defused a potential situation with the doorman and next scheduled tenants. Couldn't have done it without him. Too bad by the time we had to take him to the airport the apartment started looking like an apartment.
I started my job today. As I have mentioned a few times, there is a Starbucks in the lobby- naturally I stopped there first. Joe drove me to work this morning so he could see where it was and so I would be on-time. Everyone was really nice- went to lunch with my team (there are 4 of us) and attended 3 client conference calls. I already have an afternoon of Kayaking on the 21st and am going to a Cubs/Brewers game in a suite on Monday evening. Although much smaller office space and QUIET surroundings, I think I will settle in well. We are located on the 19th floor and the CEO insists on having a fridge full of soda and salty snacks at all times. As I was enrolled in ADP they had a field day with my AZ license not expiring until 2046. All-in-all it was a typical first-day.
Joe met me at work around 5:45 and we walked to Moe's Cantina on Kinzie and had nachos and margaritas. We then walked home and now I am being lazy on the couch while he watched the Reds/Cubs, does laundry and hangs pictures frames. I have a glass of my favorite Kendall Jackson to accompany me as I update the blog. Pictures of several outside and inside views of our apartment are below. Warning: not 100% settled, as you will see.
Dad relaxing in the only corner without furniture on the first day
Family Room
Other view from family room
View of our two buildings. We are on the 13th floor of the right building, facing northwest
The pool
Another view from our family room window- dog run on the right
View of the Blommers Chocolate Factory (yes, we can smell chocolate 24/7) OMG
family room and Hobbs surrounded by boxes
the view from our kitchen
the view from the pool at night
we arrived!
view from family room into bar/kitchen
Our first view into the City when we arrived |
My work! (see the Starbucks?!) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Moe's Cantina
And seconds before I posted this Joe and I heard a big BANG coming from the washer and dryer. it decided to shake so much the bottle of laundry detergent feel off the top and splattered all over the floor! I swear it's not our first time living in an apartment. Just feels like it. LOL